During his coming to PARIS for the dedication of DRUUNA's last album " the forgotten planet " made exclusively for the DRUUNA.net website on November 14, 2000.
Interview of P.E. Serpieri
DRUUNA HOMEPAGE: Have you ever been on the Internet?
M. SERPIERI: Yes, but very little.
D.H: What do you like as a style of website on the Internet?
M.S : Sites that allow me to communicate with people.
D.H: Have you ever looked for sites talking about your work?
M.S : Yes
D.H: Are you satisfied with the quality of these sites in general?
M.S : Generally I am satisfied, although I find some of them uninteresting as they give little information. They just reproduce my images.
D.H : Have you ever been on comic book and or author sites that you like or dislike, and what do you think about them ? (for example the MANARA site)
M.S: As for the MANARA site, I cannot give a specific opinion because I only flew over it. As far as the other authors are concerned, I still prefer to immerse myself in their works through books.
D.H : Do you think that comics have a future on the Internet through "ONLINE" editions (as STEPHEN KING did with two short stories) or "virtual" exhibitions?
M.S : It's possible, but as far as I'm concerned I prefer paper. However, I find it difficult to do without the Internet. Internet should not replace paper, it is another possibility, not a substitution.
D.H : About your last album, a lot of internet users were surprised by the lack of erotic scenes compared to the old albums, did you censor yourself or is this a new way of approaching the script?
M.S : I didn't censor myself at all, it just so happens that in this story there was no need to add erotic scenes. I don't draw erotic scenes to fill pages, they have to be justified.
D.H : Do you think you will continue to keep DRUUNA alive for a long time to come through this series ?
M.S : That depends on DRUUNA, sometimes I think that it's her who decides and not me.
D.H : Wouldn't you like to develop a new series with of course new characters, to get out of this universe, or would you like to associate with a scriptwriter for that ?
M.S : Yes, I'm thinking about it, but for the moment I'm working on the second volume of "THE FORGOTTEN PLANET" whose title will be "CLONE". So, we'll see later.
D.H : About the video game "MORBUS GRAVIS", are you following its development?
What do you think of the impact it will have on the DRUUNA series when it is launched?
M.S : I think that the game can only be beneficial for the paper series, it's a complement. Any quality derivative product can only increase the character's notoriety.
D.H : If you have seen the DRUNA HOMEPAGE website, what do you think of its quality, knowing that it is still under construction ?
M.S : I'm rather satisfied with it, I appreciate the choice of images that are processed from time to time in "negative" with a blue support. I am very happy that 700,000 people wanted to see my work.
DRUUNA HOMEPAGE: So, it is with this very kind compliment that we leave Mr. SERPIERI, whom we invite you to meet during his signing sessions, the dates of which you will find in the INFO section.
We would like to thank Mr SERPIERI, for this exclusive interview he gave us for the fans of the site. We also thank the Editions BAGHEERA, without whom this interview would not have taken place.