MORBUS GRAVIS Erotic comic Druuna

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First edition : 1985

Second edition : 1999

Tags: morbus gravis, druuna, comics, erotic, serpieri

If the hell exists, it can be the world in which live Druuna. Out of time and of the space, in a maze of concrete and steel, the nature does not exist. The inhabitants are miserable, alive enter the fear of a terrible disease ( the Badly), mutants (reached affected by the evil), and of a dark authority and totalitarian, which distributes with economy the famous Serum, the composition of which is secret, and which frees from the evil. (to there, nothing of extraordinary... But let us wait...). In This greyness, Druuna looks ceaselessly for some serum, for his friend Schastar, that the evil made monstrous. In the term of this first chapter, Druuna, owing to Schastar, will meet Lewis, who he will speak about Delta, and about the world which surrounds them, with an epatante fall.